Although there can be a variety of reasons for shooting leg pain, one common reason during pregnancy is piriformis syndrome.
The piriformis muscle is located between your sacrum and hip in the gluteal area (your butt). This muscle helps you to rotate your foot outwards, helping with balance and coordination during walking and running. For some people, the sciatic nerve goes through the piriformis muscle. For other people the nerve runs next to the muscle. If the muscle gets inflamed, it can cause pressure on the sciatic nerve. This pressure will irritate the nerve causing leg pain. The pain is often described as shooting pain or stabbing pain. It is a good idea to get shooting pain examined by a doctor before self diagnosing any condition :)
How can you try to prevent having piriformis syndrome during pregnancy?
- Walk daily, but not too far.
- Prenatal yoga classes and/or stretching can also be very helpful.
- Avoid sitting in recliner chairs or the car too long. If you must take a long car trip, try to stop every hour and walk around a bit.
- Stretch your piriformis muscle.
What happens if you have piriformis syndrome? Here are some possible ways to get some relief:
- Piriformis stretch.
- Gentle massage can sometimes offer relief.
- Get a Chiropractic Checkup/ Adjustment.
As with any health condition, please seek immediate medical attention if this is an emergency or if your condition worsens.