Well, here it goes...
When I was in college, I was in a snow skiing accident while skiing in Vermont. A snowboarder hit me while we were both going down the hill. I was knocked unconscious and fell to the ground. When I got up, I knew my neck hurt, but decided it was better to go home rather than go to a hospital in another state. So, I sat in a car for 8 hours to ride home.
At home, I still refused to seek treatment because I was young and thought it would just go away. When I returned to college a week later and resumed track practices, I realized that this was not going to go away. My track coach took me to the ER because I couldn’t move my head or neck. They told me that I had whiplash and prescribed some muscle relaxers and pain pills. I couldn’t think straight or focus on school with the medication so I finally decided to listen to my parents and track coach – I went to the local chiropractor for a checkup!
I received great care and was able to compete in the outdoor track season that year. I even qualified to Nationals for Division III in the 800M run. I placed 5th earning All-America Honors for the first time!
After graduation, I worked for a few years as a quality control chemist. I realized that working in a lab wasn’t safe or fulfilling for the rest of my life, especially since we wanted to have children. I decided to go back to school to become a chiropractor. The whole philosophy of chiropractic and natural healthcare fit perfectly with my personal beliefs – it was the natural career choice for me!
Thanks for reading this. If you want to learn more about how chiropractic can help you, reach out to me. I'd love to hear from you!
