Studies show that between 50-70% of women will experience low back pain during their pregnancy. It is most common for the pain to begin between the fifth through seventh months.
Here are a few tips to help prevent low back pain during pregnancy. It is best to be proactive and start using these tips early in your pregnancy!
1. Exercise daily - walking, gentle or prenatal yoga, and stretching are all great choices.
2. Wear supportive, flat shoes.
3. Avoid heavy lifting and always use good lifting posture (bend at your knees). Heavy lifting is considered 1/3 of your pre-pregnancy body weight. Children count as lifting too!
4. Get Chiropractic checkups.
If you do experience low back pain during your pregnancy, you can do the following things to help ease your pain:
1. Avoid recliners, but do rest comfortably.
2. Do the cat-camel exercise shown in the video below.
3. Get a Chiropractic Adjustment.
Congratulations! I hope you have a fantastic, comfortable pregnancy!