Yes! The way you hold your body while sitting and standing throughout the day is super important. When you stand and sit with proper posture, there is less stress on your spine and your muscles don't have to work as hard. Therefore you have more energy and feel better!
People need to have proper sitting posture while working, reading, watching TV and driving. For example, it is very common to have the TV off to the side of the room. This causes you to turn your head to one side for the whole movie. This position puts a lot of stress on your neck muscles - one side is being stretched while the other side is being shortened. If you repeat this process most nights of the week, this stress can add up. Your body will give you warning signs that you are using poor posture: pain in the neck or shoulders, headaches, a stiff neck or inability to look as far to one side when you turn your head. If you have any of these signs, you should change your sitting posture to stop the stress, stretch your neck muscles and consider getting checked out by a chiropractor and/ or a massage therapist to help you with proper alignment and muscle tone.
Proper posture is super important while working and going to school. Is your work station set up to promote good posture? Do you have to reach to use your mouse? Do you have to keep your head tilted up or down to see your monitor? Any of these things can cause neck, shoulder and upper back pain. Many times, a simple fix is possible! Place a stack of books under your computer monitor to raise it up to the correct height if it is too low. Get a chair that allows you to sit all the way to the back of the seat while working so that you can keep your back straight and supported while you work. Making small changes can help prevent the constant stress of bad posture and give some relief to sore, aching muscles.
Standing posture is really important too. Especially while you are pregnant, because your center of gravity changes frequently as the baby grows. While standing, you want your ears to line up with your shoulder, hip and ankle when looking from the side of your body. If any of these parts don't line up, your muscles have to work harder than expected to hold you upright. This can cause a lot of stress and pain in your low back, neck and shoulders.
Sometimes poor posture can be due to habits and retraining yourself is enough. Other times, muscles imbalances or misalignments in your bones can be contributing to the postural changes. If this is the case, evaluation by a chiropractor is highly recommended. I can help determine where those muscle imbalances exist and provide proper exercises to retrain those muscles. I can also identify and correct any bony misalignments that will allow proper posture to be maintained more easily.
Posture is a very complex topic. If you have further questions or concerns, please contact me.

I look forward to helping you find your proper posture!